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How to Manage Customer Equipment

To view the customer equipment list 

  1. While on a customer record, click Equipment.

Customer equipment is grouped by equipment categories. On the list view of the customer equipment, you can see valuable data such as:

  • ID
  • Name
  • Wire Type
  • Zone
  • Status linked customers. 

If the customer equipment has been lined to equipment, the you will also see some equipment data here. Such as:

  • ID
  • Name
  • MAC Address
  • Status
  • Install Date
  • Device Type

To learn more see Linking equipment and SecurityTrax Customer Equipment

To view/edit equipment

  1. Click on the desired equipment row.
  2. A window will open that will list all the equipment details such as
    1. Sold by;
    2. Unit Price;
    3. Paid status
    4. Zone number
    5. Zone name
    6. Wire Type
    7. Install Status
    8. Install Technician
    9. Install Appointment
    10. If linked, details: Device Name; Install Date; Activity Monitoring; Group; State
  3. Make any desired edits.
  4. Click Save.

To bulk edit equipment

  1. Select the checkbox on the items to be edited.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Select the field to edit in bulk and the Replace With information.
  4. To edit more fields, select +Add More 
  5. Continue updated fields or click Delete to delete all the items selected.
    • Note: You must confirm the deletion on the next window.
  6. If linked with equipment, you may also select Unlink.
    • Note: All items selected to be edited must be linked to be able to bulk Unlink.
  7. Click Save.


To add equipment

To add a single item

  1. Select Add Single Item.
  2. Enter all the details for the item.
  3. Click Save.

To add an equipment package

  1. Select Copy from Package.
  2. Select a Package.
  3. Fill out the required fields.
  4. Add any additional items on the blank row below.
    • Note: As you fill out a row, a new row will appear to allow for you to keep adding items.
  5. Click Save.

To add multiple items

  1. Select Multiple Items.
  2. Fill out the required fields.
    • Note: As you fill out a row, a new row will appear to allow for you to keep adding items.
  3. Click Save.

To add items from an invoice

  1. Select Copy from Invoice.
  2. Select an Invoice.
    • Note, if no Invoices have been created for the Customer, you cannot proceed.
  3. Fill out the required fields
  4. Add additional items in the blank row below.
    • Note: As you fill out a row, a new row will appear to allow for you to keep adding items.
  5. Click Save.


To delete equipment

  1. Click on the equipment row to open the equipment page.
  2. While on the Equipment page, click Delete in the lower left of the page.
  3. A confirmation message will appear. Click Delete to confirm.


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