View or edit your own personal prioritized set of today's, in-progress, or overdue tasks.
To view the list of tasks
- While on the Homescreen Dashboard, click Tasks in the left menu.
- By default, a list of Overdue, Due Today, In Progress, and Recently Completed tasks will be displayed in Priority order (High, Med, Low).
- Note: The list of tasks can be sorted by various columns (the usual arrow cursor changes to the hand cursor when a sortable column is hovered over with the mouse). Click once on the column name and the Up-Arrow icon
appears to indicate that the list is now in ascending order. Click a second time and the Down-Arrow icon
appears to indicate that the list is in descending order.
- Note: The list of tasks can be sorted by various columns (the usual arrow cursor changes to the hand cursor when a sortable column is hovered over with the mouse). Click once on the column name and the Up-Arrow icon
To edit a task
- Scroll to the desired Tasks section.
- Click anywhere on the row of the desired task.
- In the Edit Task window, update the desired fields.
- Click Save.
To view all completed tasks on a customer record
- In the Tasks section, scroll down to the Completed section.
- In the Completed section, click on the Expand icon
To delete a task
- While on the Task page, click Delete in the lower left of the page.
- A confirmation message will appear. To confirm, click Delete.