How to Manage Tech at Work
Tech at Work is where the Technician has all the tools needed to work the appointment. From here the Technician can also navigate to any part of the site for any reason and easily navigate back to the appointment. To navigate back to Tech Today, select the Tech Today tab or select Tech Today on the breadcrumbs in the secondary navigation bar.
To view Tech Today and Tech at Work, users need to be a part of a permission group with the Technician role along with the desired permissions on Customer and Calendar Events categories. Reach out to us for help with this.
Tech at Work before Check in
To get to Tech at Work, please see Tech Today. Prior to checking in to the appointment, the technician will see the following:
Customer Information card
- Customer's name is a link that will take you to the customer record
- Open in New Tab icon
next the customer's name will open the record in a different tab.
- Appointment Type and duration is listed at the top
- Contact details provide the customer's phone number, email, and address
- Account Details will list the Central Station, Interactive Service Provider, Sale Rep, Source and Source Campaign, and if previously installed, the name of the technician that did the install.
- A map of the customer's location. Note: Customer must have a geo-coded address for the map to show the location.
- On the Way: Clicking this button will send an email to the customer to let them know that the technician is on the way. This step is not necessary and can be skipped.
- Check In: Clicking this button will keep a record of the time the technician Checked In to the appointment.
Work Order card
Note: Check In needs to happen prior to updating or editing the equipment items.
- Work Order ID number is a link that will take you to the Work Order for a full view or to make any edits.
- Open in New Tab icon
next the Work Order ID number will open the record in a different tab.
- A list of work to be done will be listed here categorized by type (i.e. Install, Service, Removal)
- Select the Go To My Inventory button to view/manage your inventory if needed.
Notes card
- Appointment Notes: These are read-only notes that are entered on the appointment. To edit these, go to the appointment and edit them there.
- Technician Notes: Technicians can add any notes here pertaining to working the appointment. Note: This can be done regardless of check in status.
Customer Installation card
This card is what sets the customer record as Installed.
Tech at Work after Check In
After checking in to the appointment, Technicians can start editing the work to be done. Here is a list of all the changes to the page after checking in.
- Check Out: After checking in, the option to Check out will appear. See more about checking out below.
- Add Equipment: The Add button on the Work Order card is a shortcut to add customer equipment to the Work Order that will also show on the work to do for the current appointment.
- Create Invoice: This is a shortcut to create an invoice that will pre-populate with the items on this page. Edits on this invoice can then be made.
- Edit Equipment:
- Bulk Edit: Notice that there are now checkboxes next to the equipment items. Select as many items as you'd like to bulk update. Once at least one item is selected, the Edit button will appear at the top of the page.
- Single Item Edit: Click on any row to edit one item at a time.
Navigate away from Tech at Work
While checked in to an appointment, if the Technician navigates to another part of the site, they will see the current appointment in the top. Click on that any time to return to Tech at Work for that appointment.
Tech Toolbox
The Tech Toolbox is meant to give the technician some tools that can be helpful and easy to get to. Note: The tech will need to have permissions for each option.
- Upload File: Select this to quickly add a file to the customer record.
- Create Task: Select this to quickly create a task on the customer record.
- Create Message: Select this to quickly create and send a message on the customer messaging feature.
- Central Station: This section will show the link status for the customer and any actionable buttons.
- If the central station is linked, you will see the central station options as buttons here.
- If the central station is not linked, you will see the option to link/shell the account.
- If not central station has been selected, you can select the right chevron to go to the customer record and set up the central station.
- Interactive Service Provider: This section will show the link status for the customer and any actionable buttons.
- If the interactive service provider is linked, you will see the central station options as buttons here.
- If the interactive service provider is not linked, you will see the option to link/shell the account.
- If not interactive service provider has been selected, you can select the right chevron to go to the customer record and set up the interactive service provider.
Tech at Work - Checking Out
There are a few options when checking out.
- Check Out: Click the check out button to view a summary of the appointment and confirm check out.
- Check Out - Unable to Complete: For this option, select the down arrow icon next to the check out button. Use this when the appointment was not completed. After selecting this, a reason will need to be selected. Currently, those reasons are managed by SecurityTrax. Reach out to us to make any edits on this list.
Tech at Work After Checking Out
After checking out of an appointment, Tech at Work can still be viewed as a mostly read-only page. Technician Notes and Customer Installation cards can still be edited.