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On Hand

The On Hand page provides a way to view on hand counts of Equipment Items by Inventory Recipients.


View the complete list of terms used in inventory management.

Equipment Item

Represents the items that your company uses in the course of business operations. Note: In SecurityTrax, this list does not contain Equipment Kits, which are treated separately.

Inventory Recipient

An entity that participates in your inventory system that can be assigned inventory items. In SecurityTrax, users and office locations can be designated as inventory recipients. 

Inventory Recipient Office Location

An Inventory Recipient that is an office location.

Inventory Recipient User

An Inventory Recipient that is a user.


Viewing on hand counts

While in Company Inventory, click on On Hand in the left menu.

By Recipient

  1. Choose By Recipient as the view.
  2. Choose a Recipient.

You will now be presented with a list of on hand Equipment Items and their associated count.

By Equipment

  1. Choose By Equipment as the view.
  2. Choose and Equipment Item.
  3. A box will appear next the Equipment Item you selected providing additional details about the item.

You will now be presented with a list of all Inventory Recipients who have the Equipment Item on hand, including the associated count.

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