How to Manage User Notifications
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Do you want to know when a sale is made or a customer has been installed successfully or a customer's payment is made or any of 60 other notifications? Once it's been configured, this is where you see it all.
To view your user notifications
- While logged into SecurityTrax, anywhere in the application, you can see how many notifications can be reviewed quickly by the seeing the number embedded within the Notification Bell icon
between Global Search and the User Portal.
- Just click on the bell icon to see up to 25 unread messages, each with the Name of the event and the event Date.
- Note: by default all messages, whether recent or expired, are listed for your review.
- At the top of the list screen are two commands that allow you to Mark all as Read and Dismiss All.
- Note: You can Mark as Read or Dismiss each message, individually, or use these commands, collectively. If All are marked as read, you can unmark them individually but not collectively.
- At the bottom of the list screen is a status line that indicates how many messages are available to review.
- To dismiss the notification list from view, simply click on the bell again or click outside the list.