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How to Manage Customer Payments

To view a list of customer payments

  1. While on a customer record, click Accounting
  2. Navigate to the Payments section.


To collect/record a customer payment

  1. On the Payments section, click Add.
  2. Fill out the required information and any other information desired.
  3. Click Save.

To create a new payment method while on a payment

  1. While in the Add New Payment window, select Create New Payment Method.
  2. Select a type of payment method.
  3. Fill out the required fields and any other information desired. 
  4. Click Save.


To view the process information on a customer payment

  1. In the Payments section, click the More icon Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 3.35.08 PM.pngon the payment row.
  2. Select View Processing Information.


To void a customer payment

  1. In the I section, click the More icon Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 3.35.08 PM.pngon the payment row.
  2. Select Void. 
  3. A confirmation message will appear. To confirm, click Void.


To refund a customer payment

  1. Click on the More icon Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 3.35.08 PM.pngon the payment row and select Refund.
  2. Many any desired changes to the amount.
  3. Click Refund.
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