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How to Manage Customer Warranties


The Customer Warranty represents the length of time that installed equipment or the installation itself is under warranty. 

In SecurityTrax you can create your own custom Customer Warranties with the following fields:

  • Name
  • Duration (Days)
  • Active

This page will show you how to manage Customer Warranties on the admin side. This includes being able to view, create, and edit Customer Warranties.


Customer Warranties

The length of time that installed equipment or the installation itself is under warranty on the customer. 



  1. While logged into SecurityTrax, click on your Company Name or the Hamburger icon Screen Shot 2019-07-09 at 1.29.49 PM.png in the upper-left header.
    • Note: Once clicked, the hamburger will change to Screen Shot 2019-07-09 at 1.30.41 PM.png.
  2. Under Admin, click Company Settings.
  3. Click Customer Warranties in the Content Management section.


  1. Click on Add on the top right corner.
  2. Fill out the required fields and any other information desired.
  3. Click Save.


  1. Click anywhere on the row of the desired customer warranty.
  2. Make any desired changes.
  3. Click Save.

Note: If no changes were made, you can exit by clicking the Close iconScreen Shot 2018-07-31 at 1.23.01 PM.png.

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