How to Manage Monthly Charges
The Monthly Charge is the recurring monthly charge that is set on a customer. Monthly Charges are often referred to as MMR (Monthly Monitoring Rate) or RMR (Recurring Monthly Revenue). In SecurityTrax we chose to simply name them Monthly Charges to avoid any confusion.
In SecurityTrax you can create your own custom Monthly Charges with the following fields:
- Amount (also acts as the name)
- Active
This page will show you how to manage Monthly Charges on the admin side. This includes being able to view, create, and edit Monthly Chrarges.
Monthly Charge
The recurring monthly charge that is set on a customer. Monthly Charges are often referred to as MMR (Monthly Monitoring Rate) or RMR (Recurring Monthly Revenue).
- While logged into SecurityTrax, click on your Company Name or the Hamburger icon in the upper-left header.
- Note: Once clicked, the hamburger will change to .
- Under Admin, click Company Settings.
- Click Monthly Charges in the Content Management section.
- Click on Add on the top right corner.
- Fill out the required fields and any other information desired.
- Click Save.
- Click anywhere on the row of the desired monthly charge.
- Make any desired changes.
- Click Save.
Note: If no changes were made, you can exit by clicking the Close icon .