How to Manage Job Functions
The Job Function is the first step in allowing you to create a Payable Entry so you can begin to calculate commission for your Payees or users, such as sales reps or technicians. The Job Function allows for the creation of Levels and Line Items, which are instrumental in the commission calculation process.
- The Job Function is split up into two categories
- Sales
- Technician
These categories help to organize the Job Functions and provide category specific Payee Lists.
This page will show you how to manage Job Functions on the admin side. This includes being able to view, create, duplicate, edit and delete the Job Functions.
View the complete list of terms used in Payables.
Payable Entry
A single transaction (calculation) which displays Job Function, Payee, Level, Line Items and Payable Payments.
Job Function
The method (calculation) by which you build a Payable Entry. A Job Function requires a Payee, Level and Line Items in order to work.
A selected User or Appointment that is the entity being paid from a Payable Entry.
User (Payee)
A Payee entity of type User. Typically, a Sales Rep, Trainer, Lead Rep or other User in the system.
Appointment (Payee)
A Payee entity of type Appointment. This Payee type will provide a list of appointments connected with the customer. Whatever appointment is selected will in turn select the Tech assigned to that appointment who will be the Payee.
Tech (Appointment)
The actual individual getting paid when the Payee is of type Appointment.
Payee List
When creating a Job Function this is the list of options available for Payees. This list will display as a drop down on the Payable Entry itself of either Users or Technician Appointments. The options are conditional upon the category selected, either Sales or Technician. The category separated options are listed as follows:
Note: Roles are assigned based on the permission group they are assigned. To know if a user has a specific role go to there User Account, select the Permissions tab and observe the Group Roles section located in the upper right portion of the page. The assigned roles will be displayed there.
Note: Any User who is not assigned a role will not be able to be seen in the associated drop downs on the Customer page or Payable Entry itself.
- All Lead Reps
Will display a list of all Users who have been assigned the role of Lead Rep.
- All Sales Reps
Will display a list of all Users who have been assigned the role of Sales Rep.
- All Users
Will display a list of all active Users in your system.
- The Lead Rep
Will display the User assigned on the Customer as the Lead Rep.
- The Lead Rep's Manager
Will display the User (Manager) from the Org Chart who is directly above the the User assigned on the Customer as the Lead Rep.
- The Sales Rep
Will display the User assigned on the Customer as the Sales Rep.
- The Sales Rep's Manager
Will display the User (Manager) from the Org Chart who is directly above the the User assigned on the Customer as the Sales Rep.
- The Sales Rep's Recruiter
Will display the User assigned as the Recruited By in the Human Resources tab on the User Page.
- The Trainer
Will display the User assigned on the Customer as Alt Sales Rep.
- The Trainer's Manager
Will display the User (Manager) from the Org Chart who is directly above the the User assigned on the Customer as the Alt Sales Rep.
- All Users
Will display a list of all active Users in your system.
- Tech Appointments Before Now
Will display all appointments on the Customer that have occurred prior to the current date and time.
- The Technician's Manager
Will display the User (Manager) from the Org Chart who is directly above the the User assigned on the Customer as the Technician.
- While logged into Securitytrax, click on your Company Name or the hamburger icon
- Note: Once clicked, the hamburger will change to
- Note: Once clicked, the hamburger will change to
- Under Admin, select Users & Permissions.
- Click Payables on the navigation menu.
- A new page will open titled User Job Functions
- Note: By default, the list of Job Functions are divided into Sales and Technicians.
- Note: By default, the list of Job Functions are listed by ID ascending within their respective categories.
- While on the Job Function screen, click on New Function or the dropdown arrow
next to New Function and select New Job Function from Scratch.
- A window will open titled New User Job Function.
- Select the desired Payable Category.
- Note: Payable Categories options are Sales or Technician.
- Select the desired Payee filter from the Payee List.
- Note: Payee List options are filters determined based on the Payable Category selected.
- Note: Review Payee List definition and it's filters at the top of this page or on our Payables Terms page.
- Enter in desired name and description for the Job Function
- Click the Create button.
From Existing
- While on the Job Function screen, click on the dropdown arrow
next to New Function and select New Job Function from Existing
- A window will open titled New Job Function from Existing.
- Select an existing Job Function to create the duplicate.
- Note: This list will show all active Job Functions from all Payable Categories
- Enter in the desired Job Function name.
- Click the Create button.
- While on the Job Function screen, click the + Duplicate button.
- A window will open titled Duplicate Job Function.
- Click the Duplicate Job Function button.
- A page will open with the title of the duplicated job function.
- Note: This is also the Edit page.
- Note: The name of the Job Function will be the Job Function you duplicated with [COPY] added.
- Under Job Function Details you may now edit the Job Function name and description.
- Click the Save Changes button.
- While on the Payables screen, click the desired Job Function.
- The Edit page for Job Function is now open.
- Under Job Function Details you may now change the name or description of the Job Function .
- Click the Save Changes button.
- While on the Job Function screen, click the Delete button.
- A confirmation message window will appear.
- Click the Delete Job Function button.