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Creating Customers


Posting to SecurityTrax is done via raw http post. In order to perform this action you will need the following information:


Partner ID

This is the unique ID that SecurityTrax assigns to the partner company. Source ID Provided by the company using SecurityTrax.



Sample Request

The following is an example of a valid request. Bold items are required.

	<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
		<source_id>Partner ID</source_id>
		<address1>290 Market Road</address1>
		<cross_street>test cross street</cross_street>
				<ContactName>Name 2</ContactName>
				<BillCCName>George Foreman</BillCCName>
				<BillCCCardType>American Express</BillCCCardType>
				<BillCCName>George Foreman</BillCCName>



Sample Response

The following is an example of a successful response.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<response success="true">


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