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How to Manage Customer Files

To view customer files

  1. While in the customer's record, click Files.
  2. Uploaded files will appear in a list.


To upload a file

  1. Drag a file from your computer to the Files screen OR click on the Select Files button to select files from the folders on your computer.
  2. Click on Upload File(s) to complete the file upload.  

Note: You can drag or select multiple files for upload at one time.  


To download a file

  1.  Click Download icon Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 3.50.17 PM.png on the file row you wish to download.

Note: If there is a Checkmark icon next to the file you want to download, click on it and the Download icon will appear. 


To edit a file name

  1.  Click on the title of the file.
  2.  Make your edits.
  3. Click on the Checkmark icon Screen Shot 2018-07-31 at 3.52.22 PM.png to save your edit. 


To delete a file

  1.  Click the Delete iconScreen Shot 2018-07-31 at 3.53.18 PM.png on the file row you wish to delete.
  2.  Click Delete to confirm. 
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