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How to View the Company Org Chart

To view the company hierarchy

  1. While logged into SecurityTrax, click on your Company Name or the Hamburger icon Screen Shot 2019-07-09 at 1.29.49 PM.png in the upper-left header.
    • Note: Once clicked, the hamburger will change to Screen Shot 2019-07-09 at 1.30.41 PM.png.
  2. Click Org Chart under the General category.
  3. By default, the main screen will present a graphical representation of the company hierarchy, with the company name at the top and the first level of Direct Reports below in a shaded box.
    • Note: The lowest level of direct reports cards will always be enclosed in a shaded area. 
  4. When there is personnel information to display (Contact Details and Roles), details of the the person selected on the main screen, this will be presented in the left menu area
    • Note: The left menu area shows the complete listing of their up-line management structure.
  5. Direct Reports not shown on the main viewing screen will be identified by a numbered bubble beneath the personnel card.DRBubble.png
    • Note: The direct report bubble can be accessed by a single click (this presents the direct report's card, in the shaded area).
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