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Company Payable Entries

Payable Entries List

By default, you will see a list sorted by Payable Entries Created Date. The most recent Payable Entry will be at the top of the list. Note: You can change the sort by clicking on the arrows next to the column header.


In the Filters section you can select as many filters as you like to update the list.

Status Is

The dropdown options will show all the available statuses. You can select as many statuses as you like to show payable entries with those statuses.

Job Function Type 

The dropdown options will show all the available types. You can select as many types as you like to show payable entries of that/those type(s).

Job Function  

The dropdown options will show all the available Job Functions. You can select as many job functions as you like to show payable entries of that/those function(s).


The dropdown options will show all the available Payees. You can select as many payees as you like to show payable entries with that/these payee(s).

Customer Install Status

The dropdown will show options for the status of install appointment on the customer connected to the payable.

Customer Is Canceled

The dropdown will show options for the cancellation state of the customer connected to the payable.

Customer Tags

The dropdown will show options for customer tags that are currently active on the customer connected to the payable.

Customer Sale Date

Select one date or a date range to filter the list down to payable entries whose connected customer has an sale date within that timeframe.

Customer Install Date

Select one date or a date range to filter the list down to payable entries whose connected customer has an install date within that timeframe.

Expected Pay Date

Select one date or a date range to filter the list down to payable entries whose connected customer has an expected pay date within that timeframe.

Created Date 

Select one date or a date range to filter the list down to payable entries created within that timeframe.

Open/Edit a Payable Entries from Company List

You can view and edit Payable Entries right from here. Click on the row of any Payable Entry to view the full entry and make any changes.

View Customer Details

You can hover over the Customer's name to see the Customer preview. On this preview you can select See Customer Record to go directly to the Customer's record.

Bulk Create Transactions

  1. When you enter into Payable Entries, you will see empty select boxes to the left of the first column.
  2. Select the boxes you would like to bulk edit.
    • Note: You may select all options by selecting the empty box in the header of the report.
  3. Once at least one box has been selected the Create Transactions button will appear above the report header.
  4. Select the Create Transactions button and new window will appear.
  5. Select the date for your transaction
    • Note: This is the only required field for the transaction.
    • Note: All Payable Transactions created will always be equal to the Total Due on that Payable.
  6. You may also fill out the Reference and Notes fields, but they are not required.
  7. Select Save and Confirm your action.

Bulk Edit Payables

  1. When you enter into Payable Entries, you will see empty select boxes to the left of the first column.
  2. Select the boxes you would like to bulk edit.
    • Note: You may select all options by selecting the empty box in the header of the report.
  3. Once at least one box has been selected the Edit button will appear above the report header.
  4. Select the Edit button and new window will appear.
  5. Select a field you would like to Bulk Edit and then select what you would like to Bulk Edit the field to.
    • Note: You may select multiple options to Bulk Edit at once.
  6. Select Save and  Confirm your action.
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