How to Manage Equipment Vendors
To view your equipment vendors
- While logged into SecurityTrax, click on your Company Name or the Hamburger icon
in the upper-left header.
- Note: Once clicked, the hamburger will change to
- Note: Once clicked, the hamburger will change to
- Under Admin, click Company Settings.
- Click Equipment Vendors in the Equipment section.
To create a new equipment vendor
- Click on Add in the upper right hand corner.
- Fill out all required fields and any other desired information.
- Note: If the vendor being added is to be active, make sure the Active slider is in the On position.
- Click Save.
Setting equipment details for inventory management
If using inventory management you will now want to specify which items you purchase from the vendor and associated information. This information will be used to assist you when generating purchase orders.
- While viewing the vendor click on Equipment Details.
- This page will display a full list of all equipment items you have added into your equipment list. Here you should indicate which of the items the vendor Vends to you by activating the slider. On the equipment items the vendor does supply, fill out the Cost and Vendor SKU accordingly. The Vendor SKU is the SKU used by the vendor to identify the equipment item in their systems.
- Click Save.
Connecting electronically to the vendor
If using inventory management with the Inventory+ add-on you can setup SecurityTrax to talk directly to supported vendors electronically. This allows for the electronic submission of Purchase Orders to the vendor, amongst other things.
- While viewing the vendor click on Connector Details.
- Specify the type of Connector to use to connect to the vendor.
- Supply the required information.
- Click Save.
To edit an equipment vendor
- Click on the desired equipment vendor row (it will be highlighted in blue).
- Make any desired changes.
- Click Save.